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Start - Instant [ Can Take 0-15 minutes to catch post ] Speed - 50K-100K+ / day Drop - Non Drop Refill - No Quality - HQ [ USA ] Link - Username Instructions - ➜ Place username in place of link while placing order ➜ New Posts = Number of new posts you will post in which you want service to deliver automatically ➜ Quantity - Type < Min \' Max > Amount of service to deliver on future posts [ Quantity will be delivered between min and max ] ➜ Delay - After how much time of posting service would start ➜ Expiry - After which date subscription will expire automatically Note - ➜ This service charges no money while ordering but as the new posts are updated likes are send and funds are deducted from your account automatically ➜ Make sure you always have some funds after placing order [ Otherwise subscription would expire ] ➜ You can cancel subscription anytime from your account